Every few years, Grahamstown-based clay brick manufacturing company, Makana Brick, runs a bricklaying course at its premises on the northern outskirts of the city, offering tuition and advice to employees of local building contractors and other institutions.
Funded by Makana Brick and run by experienced instructors of the East Cape Training Centre, the intense 2018 course over ten days attracted 17 people eager to enhance their bricklaying skills.
The inaugural course in 2013 taught skills to 10 people.
The latest course ended last week, and Makana Brick CEO Colin Meyer said he was pleased with its success and thanked local bricklayers for their attendance and East Cape Training Centre for its invaluable input.
He also thanked Grahamstown employers for releasing employees for the duration of the course.
Meyer added: “We are hopeful that the bricklaying course will ensure the long-term sustainability of the clay brick industry, and alleviate some of the unemployment in Grahamstown.”